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The DMCA is a U.S. law designed to stop unauthorized use of creative work, such as copying or sharing it without permission. It provides a way to address and fix copyright issues, especially on the internet. By enforcing this law, digital content is better protected. It plays a crucial role in preserving the rights of creators online.

Our Assurance of Copyright Protection

At Natabanu, we are focused on protecting intellectual property and upholding the rights of creators. We work hard to ensure a safe and respectful space for all users. This DMCA Policy details how to report any instances of copyright infringement on our platform, helping us safeguard everyone’s creative work.

What to Consider Before Submitting a DMCA Notice

Before filing a copyright infringement notice, confirm that you are the copyright owner or have permission to act for them. If you’re unsure about your rights, seek legal advice first. This helps ensure your notice is valid and properly handled.

Filing a DMCA Complaint

If you believe your copyright is being infringed on Natabanu, please send a DMCA Notice to our designated agent. Make sure the notice is formal and includes details about the infringement. We will review your claim and take action promptly.

To file a DMCA Notice, please include the following information:

To file a DMCA Notice, please include:

1. A signature from someone authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.
2. Information about the copyrighted work that is being infringed.
3. Details on where the infringing material is located on the Natabanu platform, including a URL if available.
4. Your contact details, including address, phone number, and email.
5. A statement affirming that you believe in good faith the use of the material is unauthorized.
6. A statement confirming that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

Send your DMCA Notice to the designated agent listed.

Processing DMCA Notices

We will review all valid DMCA Notices as per DMCA guidelines. If we find that copyright infringement has taken place, we may remove or disable the infringing content.


If your content was taken down and you think it shouldn’t have been, or if you believe you were wrongly accused of copyright infringement, you can file a counter-notification. This is your way of officially disputing the removal and arguing that your content doesn’t actually infringe on anyone’s rights.

Changes to This Policy

We might change this DMCA Policy from time to time. Whenever we do, we’ll update it on the Natabanu platform. If you keep using the platform after these changes, it means you’re okay with the new terms.

Reporting Copyright Infringement

If you think something on Natabanu is using your work without your okay, just send a DMCA Notice to the contact person we’ve provided above.

Just a Heads-Up
This section is a gentle reminder that the DMCA policy provided is just a template. Since laws can vary from place to place, the policy might not perfectly fit the legal requirements of every region. That’s why it suggests getting a lawyer to review and adjust the policy if necessary. The goal is to make sure everything is legally sound and compliant with local laws.

note :This explanation highlights the purpose of the note, which is to encourage users to customize the policy to meet their specific legal needs and to consult a legal professional to ensure it’s fully compliant.